Achieve High Performance

with MJ Horstkamp — your Certified High Performance Coach™


High Performance is the Achiever's Secret

High Performance means succeeding and excelling above standard norms consistently over the long-term.
High-Performing Achievers are:

+ Open and observant to the present moment
+ Self-reliant
+ Future-oriented
+ Challenge seekers
+ Connection lovers
+ Creatively driven and expressive
+ Meaning makers

High Performance in our lives is the result of heightened and sustained levels of
Clarity, Energy, Courage, Productivity, and Influence.

The High Performance Coaching Model™

We Experience Clarity, Energy, Courage, Productivity and Influence by mastering….


The Pillars of High Performance



What is my mission today?
What am I looking forward to?
What must I accomplish today to progress my life?


Am I developing influence?
Am I demonstrating empathy and
bold enthusiasm when I seek to influence others?


Am I living my truth?
What 3 words really define
who I am as a person?
What 3 words should define
how I should interact with others?
Am I living these words?


Am I rested and fully hydrated?
Am I sleeping, eating,
exercising, hydrating,
gesturing, and speaking
with passion enough to have
the energy I deserve?


What level am I in this moment in terms of my emotional and physical vibrancy and presence?


How can I stay on purpose and serve greatly right now?






Learn more about the Pillars of High Performance in a Free Strategy Session CLAIM YOUR FREE SESSION

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